Friday, March 27, 2015

Bucks County Artists Spring Show

Bucks County Artists Spring Show
Artists' Reception
Saturday April 11th 6-9 pm
Show hangs through May 3rd

An Artist’s reception will be held on Saturday April 11th, from 6 to 9 pm. Artists in attendance will be available to answer questions and all works will be available for sale. Art work on display will include watercolor, oil, acrylic, and pastel paintings. The Spring group art show runs from April 11th to May 3rd and will feature new work from all Chapman Gallery Artist.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Louis Talamo oil painting at Chapman Gallery Doylestown

"Lahaska Farm" by Louis Talamo
Oil on Canvas (22x28)

Stop in to view this and many other beautiful paintings hanging at Chapman Gallery.